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If you are a serious bird hunter and are
looking for a place to have your dog trained, then look
no more…Phantom Kennels is the place! Perhaps you are
looking for that perfect pointer pup…then Phantom Kennels
is the place! They have it all! Dan Hendrickson is an
amazing trainer and his facility is top notch. We asked
Dan if we could write a testimonial because we have been
so pleased with our experience. He did not solicit it!
It is just our nature to share a good experience with
others! Our journey with Phantom Kennels started over
7 months ago when we contacted Dan about training our
6 month old Brittany puppy, Tug. We took our pup out to
Abilene not really knowing what to expect. We met Dan
and he showed us the kennels. He took the time to explain
his various training technique to us. He had immediate
control over Tug which truly fascinated us! Removed his
harness, looped a rope lead around his neck and we were
thinking….oh no, nothing good is going to come out of
this because our wild child is fixing to act out! Tug
walked right beside Dan into the kennels without any problem!
Amazing! At that point we knew we had made the right decision
about choosing Phantom Kennels! We made monthly trips
to see Tug. During those visits Dan set aside time to
show us the progress that he had made and he always had
time to answer all of our questions! We enjoyed watching
Dan working with Tug so much that we couldn't help but
include a picture of just that! On a couple of our visits
we got to see Tug point quail! What a treat! There has
not been one visit that we didn't come away ecstatic with
the progress. During one of the last visits, Dan was showing
a new customer how he works with the puppies using one
of his own in the demonstration. We walked all around
the puppy during the session talking & taking its picture
but it never once looked at us. It was so focused on what
it was being taught. The intensity that that pup possessed
was magnificent! There was no doubt that this puppy came
from a champion bloodline and was going to make a terrific
hunting dog for someone! So if you are looking for a great
puppy, he has them! Tug will be ready for field trials
when we pick him up thanks to Dan and all of his hard
work training him! He has Tug steady to wing & shot and
also retrieving! Looking back we feel so blessed to have
found Phantom Kennels. We are so impressed with Dan and
the vast knowledge he possesses in training these dogs!
It is portrayed in his ability to work with so many different
breeds! He has passion for training dogs that few possess
and he knows how to bring out the best in all of the dogs
he trains. We are going to miss that monthly trip to visit
with Dan but we know that our paths will cross again because
we will definitely be repeat customers of Phantom Kennels!
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