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Champion Phantom's Wizard

Winner of National Amateur Derby Championship

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 
2025 - from 

Phantom Kennels now 50 years in business.

We would like to give thanks for our success to -

Our Lord Jesus Christ for his Blessings!

Purina Proplan the trusted dog food for champions!

And all of our customers for your trust and patronage.
"You Are" the key to our success!


Welcome to Phantom Kennels, English Pointer breeders of some of the best bird dogs in the world!

"What to expect when you purchase a Phantom Kennel's Pup!"

(click here)

"Compliments from another satisfied customer - Steve Davis"

As the proud owners of Phantom Kennels, Dan and Glenda Hendrickson want to thank you for visiting our web site and taking a virtual tour of our fine Champion bred English Pointers.
Dan has retired from professional
training, as of August 2023. We would like to thank all of the many customers for the priveledge of trianing their dogs.






One of the first things that we want to point out to you is that we believe that we are unique from all of the other bird dog businesses that you may be familiar with.

 What makes us unique?
We provide ALL of these things for you—we are a one stop shop if you wish:

Our Business - Bird Dogs are our # 1 business.  We make our living raising, training, hunting, and selling bird dogs!


  •       Quality - We only breed to the best, proven wild bird dogs that are field tested, the primary goal that we are trying to measure and reproduce.    

  •       Championship stock - We own field champions and breed to field champions or dogs that we believe have the potential to be field champions.  Most of our foundation females are direct descendants of field champions.

  •       DNA tested – Most of our dogs have been DNA tested.  We were DNA testing our foundation dogs years before it was a requirement.  We did this to improve our breeding results as well as certify parentage of our dogs for our customers.

  •       Facilities - We have a state-of-the-art breeding facility engineered by years of experience.

  •       Price – Over the years, we have been able to keep our prices very reasonable.  It doesn’t cost much more to buy a quality dog that will be with you for ten years.  Our pups start at $750.

  •      All of our dogs and customer dogs are fed only the best dog food available on the market today – Purina ProPlan.  They get a great start using Purina and if you continue this feeding program they will develop to their full potential!

 Training- No Longer Training, retired 2023

  •       Professional full-time training - Dan is an avid hunter and full-time professional bird dog trainer, with over 45 years of experience training gun dogs and field trial dogs.  He has trained National Champions!

  •      Customization - Dan’s develops a customized training plan for every dog accepted in our training program.  The most unique quality about his training is that “He trains the way your dog learns”.

  •        Seminars - By customer request, we offer seminars to help you learn how to train your bird dog.  Sign up for our one by clicking here for Dan Hendrickson’s Training Seminar.


  •        Improve the breed - In the past we were very competitive with our dogs in Major Circuit Open Shooting Dog and All-Age field trials to make sure that we didn't become “kennel blind”!

  •       As a previous amateur field trail contestant and Director of the Region 7 Amateur Field Trial Club of America (AFTCA), Dan is more than happy to assist amateurs develop and compete with their dogs with his advice.


  •        We hunt wild quail with in West Texas with our dogs.


  •        We are centrally located in Texas, just off of Interstate 20, headquartered in the heart of the best wild quail country in the world.


  •        We have hundreds of satisfied customers.  Our reputation is very important to us and we strive to make your experience owning a bird dog a happy one.


There are many other bird dog businesses out there that can meet a few of the above mentioned criteria, but we don’t know of any of them that meet all of them!

 So sit back and take a tour of our site and see what you think!  The links on the left will help you navigate through our web site.


We are in the process of upgrading our email. During this time we would like to make sure that we are able to to receive all of our customers messages so please send them to both addresses listed below:

phantom.kennels80@gmail.com and phantom@fielddog.com

or   Telephone:(325) 669-1114 – Dan’s cell

                                3458 E. Lake Rd.
                                Abilene, TX 79601

            E-mail: phantom@fielddog.com

We take

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